Astantia major
A great, long flowering border plant
A large Private garden in Winchester
We've worked closely with the owners of this large private garden in Winchester for over 12 years helping to renovate and develop various parts of the garden including the kitchen garden and a winter garden installed a few years ago.
Tree planting
Good aeration and regular watering are essential for any newly planted tree. Here one of our team installs pipework to allow watering at the roots of this lovely multistem birch
Planting Out
Our team of gardens are ready to advise and help set out and plant a simple border or an entire garden.
Beautiful gardens need a gentle touch
Carefully designed and manicured gardens sometimes need just a little more tender loving care. We can provide this with a team containing experienced horticulturalists with a great deal of know-how..
One of the best flowers for a wall or to clamber over a timber structure
Queens Street - Portsmouth
This large complex is one of our most prestigious commercial contracts.
Hedge trimming at height
Contemporary planting